As the braking system is your vehicle’s single most important safety system, it must work optimally, which means all parts and components are kept in excellent condition.
While new brake drums and discs may be required, it’s often possible to perform drum and disc machining to even out the wear and tear while adhering to the manufacturer’s specifications. This service is a cost-effective way of ensuring your car’s braking system delivers the optimum performance required to slow down or stop suddenly and avoid dangers on the road.
At HBBE Automotive, we are Hervey Bay’s braking system specialists. We can restore the surface of discs and drums to ensure they provide optimal friction levels and help the brake pads to work effectively.
For enquiries or to schedule a service, contact us on
(07) 4124 3166. Our expert mechanics also provide
brake safety checks and general repair services for all makes and models.
Machining brake discs and drums offers a number of benefits, including: